Sunday, August 26, 2012

Lance Armstrong Investigation: Another Victim

I had no idea about this latest victim, Gary Osgood, who suffered from the Lance Armstrong saga.. Read about him on ONN.


  1. I'm not sure if this blog post is meant to be tongue-in-cheek or not, but just to make sure . . .

    You know that the Onion is a parody site, right?

    (I honestly can't tell whether you're just passing along a joke, if you are then ignore me and I apologize. :D But I've seen people take the Onion seriously often enough that I had to check.)

    1. >>But I've seen people take the Onion seriously often enough that I had to check.<<

      I could see that being a problem with the Armstrong sycophants, but most people here have enough common sense to know that it's parody.

  2. This post is a joke right?

    1. This comment is a joke, right?

    2. umm actually it was.. sarcasm doesn't come off well online.

    3. except maybe on the Onion.

    4. Haha, the Internet really does need a sarcasm font... Of course, at least of the other readers couldn't whether or not we know that the Onion is satirical (which is why I missed your sarcasm)...

  3. Any decisions or results will not change I look up to Lance Armstrong as a hero and as an athlete. Raz Silberman believes "Most companies operate in industries that are not as competitive as the Tour de France and they don’t have a company like Apple standing between them and success. But many companies impose their own self-made rules that limit what they can achieve."

    1. Do me a favor Ashton; don't have kids. There's already plenty of post-modern relativists telling us there's no such thing as 'right' and 'wrong'. Just selfish unbridled hoarding of hedonistic pleasure. It's almost as though no one else exists but yourself. At least that's the guiding principle of Lance and your buddy Raz (assuming there is any such thing as 'principle').

      ...or was your comment supposed to be parody? I can't tell anymore.
