Monday, May 14, 2012

Imagine John Edwards on the US Supreme Court

Check out this article about former Senator John Edwards watching a video of himself lying about his affair. The article states that he was holding out hope to be a US Supreme Court Justice. Wow, that is scary...
Here is one of the more troubling parts of the article:
As the video ran, Mr. Edwards’s reaction was muted. He closed his eyes now and again, and sometimes touched his fingertips to his lips. When it was over and court was adjourned, his lawyer clapped him on the shoulder. Mr. Edwards laughed.
He and his defense team appear confident that he will not be convicted, and that he will escape up to 30 years in prison and $1.5 million in fines.
Let's just hope justice is served...I won't hold my breath given the recent shortcoming of the US Justice Department though (see these links)...

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